1 performance quality standard
English-Russian big medical dictionary > performance quality standard
2 performance quality standard
1) Экономика: стандарт качества работы2) Контроль качества: стандарт качества (работы), уровень качества (работы)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > performance quality standard
3 performance quality standard
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > performance quality standard
4 standard
1) стандарт, норма, норматив || стандартный, типовой, нормативный; общепринятый, обычный2) технические требования3) эталон; образец; мера; мерило4) стандартный сорт; стандартный образец5) проба (золота и серебра) || установленной пробы6) (денежная) система, (денежный) стандарт7) уровень8) стандарт (мера объёма пиломатериалов) -
5 standard
1. n1) стандарт, норма, норматив2) образец; эталон3) pl технические условия; технические требования5) проба (драгоценного металла)
- ABC standard
- acceptable standard
- accepted standard
- accounting standards
- applicable standard
- approved standard
- automatic standard
- basic standards
- basic reference standard
- branch standard
- commercial standard
- company standard
- consumption standard
- contractual standard
- cost standards
- credit standards
- current standard
- design standard
- direct labour standard
- double standard
- draft standard
- economic standards
- engineering standard
- enterprise standard
- environmental standards
- established standard
- existing standard
- factory standard
- fiat standard
- fiduciary standard
- flexible standard
- general standard
- Generally Accepted Auditing Standards
- gold standard
- gold-bullion standard
- gold-coin standard
- gold-exchange standard
- guaranteed standard
- health protection standards
- high standard
- home standards
- industrial standard
- industry standard
- international standard
- International Accounting Standards
- International Auditing Standards
- labour efficiency standard
- labour performance standard
- lax standards
- legal standard
- lending standards
- limping standard
- living standard
- loading standards
- local standard
- loose standards
- lot quality standard
- maintainability standard
- managerial performance standard
- mandatory standard
- manufacturing standard
- marketing standard
- metallic standard
- metric standard
- minimum standards
- monetary standard
- national standard
- normal standard
- occupational standards
- operating standards
- outdated standard
- output standard
- packing standards
- paper standard
- parallel standard
- performance standard
- permissive standard
- precise standard
- price standard
- product standard
- production standard
- productivity standard
- professional standard
- prohibitory standard
- qualitative standard
- quality standard
- recognized standard
- recommended standard
- replacement-cost standard
- safety standards
- silver standard
- single standard
- state standard
- statutory standard
- stringent standards
- summary standards
- synthetic time standard
- target standard
- tariff standard
- technical standards
- temporary standard
- tentative standard
- tight standards
- time standard
- trading standard
- universal standard
- unloading standards
- up-to-date standard
- voluntary standard
- weight standard
- working standard
- workmanship standard
- world standard
- standard of accumulation
- standard of alloy
- standard of auditing
- standard of behaviour
- standard of conduct
- standard of consumption
- standard of emergency funds
- standards of fairness
- standard of good practice
- standard of life
- standard of living
- standards of manufacturing
- standard of money
- standard of prices
- standard of quality
- standard of safety
- standard of usage
- standard of value
- standard of workmanship
- above the standard
- according to standard
- at the established standard
- below the standard
- by European standards
- up to standard
- abandon the gold standard
- be above the world standards
- be below the world standards
- be up to standard
- bypass international standards
- come under a standard
- comply with a standard
- conform to a standard
- depart from the gold standard
- devise international standards
- fall below the standard
- introduce standards
- lay down standards
- make to standard
- promulgate new standards
- raise standards
- reach market standards
- revise standards
- serve as a standard
- set standards
- violate a standard2. adjEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > standard
6 performance
сущ.1) общ. исполнение, выполнение; деятельность, работаquality of performance, performance quality — качество исполнения [работы\]
course of performance — ход выполнения (чего-л.)
date [time\] of performance — дата [время\] выполнения, срок исполнения
See:performance standard, actual product performance, break-even performance, export performance requirement, performance letter of credit, performance plan2) общ. игра, исполнение; выступление; представление (литературное, театральное, музыкальное)public performance — публичное исполнение [выступление\]
3)а) эк. результат(ивность), производительность, эффективность ( характеристика степени эффективности использования ресурсов)company [enterprise, bank\] performance — результат(ивность) деятельности фирмы [предприятия, банка\]
performance potential — потенциал производительности [эффективности\]
Syn:See:advertisement performance, advertising performance, financial performance, job performance, manager's performance, standard performance, performance indicator, performance measurement, performance standard, abnormal performance index, high performance product, performance-based incentive plan, pay-for-performance, Uniform Bank Performance Report, balanced scorecardб) тех. технические характеристики, эксплуатационные качества; коэффициент полезного действия (машин, оборудования и т. п.)See:4) фин. динамика (курса) (поведение курса ценной бумаги на рынке на протяжении определенного периода, напр., сравнительная доходность взаимного фонда на протяжении 1, 5 и 10 лет)See:security 4)
* * *
характеристика работы; результат, итог; исполнение, выполнение: 1) поведение (изменение) курса ценной бумаги на рынке за определенный период (напр., сравнительная доходность взаимного фонда на протяжении 1, 5 и 10 лет); см. past performance; 2) результаты деятельности компании (в т. ч. взаимного инвестиционного фонда) за определенный период.* * *Показатель деятельности. Степень эффективности деятельности. Производительность.. . Словарь терминов по риск-медеджменту .* * *выполнение; работаисполнение (договора); функционирование (рынка) -
7 standard
1) стандарт; норма, норматив; мн. ч. технические условия2) образец, эталон3) стойка; столб; колонна5) стандартный; нормальный•- above standard - air quality standard - ambient water American number standard - applicable standard - branch standard - British standard - concrete mixture standard - construction material standard - design standard - draft standard - drinking water standards - effluent standards - engineering standard - European standard - factory standard - fundamental standard - housing standards - industrial standards - international standard - pollution standard - potable water standard - primary standards - quality standard - relaxed standards - rigidity standards - safety standard - sanitary standard - sanitary engineering standard - sieve series standard - state standard - tentative standard - up to standard - working standard - world standard* * *1. стандарт; норматив; технические условия2. образец; эталон3. стойка; столб; опора; поддержка- standard of construction
- standard of control
- standards of organization
- standard of quality
- building standard
- construction safety and health standards
- design standards
- indoor air quality standards
- minimum property standards
- performance standards
- quality standards for water
- reinforcing steel placing standards
- safety standard for formwork -
8 standard
1. сущ.1) упр. стандарт; норма; образец, эталон (характеристики, которым должен соответствовать продукт или процесс; принимаются внутри организации, в рамках отрасли или на международном уровне; могут иметь формальный или неформальных характер)to establish [set\] a standard — установить стандарт
to lower [raise\] standards — снижать [повышать\] требования
We have very high safety standards in this laboratory. — В этой лаборатории очень строгие правила техники безопасности.
Her technique became a standard against which all future methods were compared. — Ее техника стала стандартом, с которым сравнивали все последующие методы.
Most people agree that there are standards of behaviour which need to be upheld, but agreeing on them is rather more difficult. — Большинство людей считают, что существуют нормы поведения, которые стоит поддерживать, но прийти к согласию, каковы эти нормы, гораздо труднее.
Syn:See:advertising standards, African Regional Standard, basic standards, eco-standards, ethical standard, international standard, labour standard, performance standard, professional standard, quality standard, retention standard, service delivery standard, time standard, work standard, workmanship standard, standards department, International Accounting Standards, International Financial Reporting Standards2) общ. уровеньSee:3) комп. стандарт (технические характеристики какого-л. алгоритма, файла или ПО)See:4)а) общ. мераSee:bimetallic standard, dollar standard, gold-dollar standard, gold exchange standard, gold standard, silver standard, monometallic standard5) тех. проба (золота, серебра)6) общ. знамя, штандартSyn:2. прил.1) общ. стандартный, типовой; общепринятый, традиционныйSee:2) учет нормативный, заданный, плановый (напр., о затратах, об объеме выпуска, о доходе, размер которых запланирован)See:standard cost, standard cost card, standard cost centre, standard costing, standard performance, standard level of output, standard price, standard bill of materials, standard direct labour cost, standard direct labour rate, standard direct materials cost, standard overhead cost, standard fixed overhead cost, standard manufacturing overhead cost, standard fixed manufacturing overhead rate, standard production cost, standard hour, standard materials usage, standard mix, standard quantity allowed, standard rate, standard time, actual* * *. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
9 standard
n1) норма; стандарт; эталон; уровень2) качество; критерий•to adopt double standards — применять двойной стандарт / подход
to establish standards for nuclear safety and environmental protection — устанавливать нормы ядерной безопасности и защиты окружающей среды
to meet medical standards before appointment — отвечать / удовлетворять требованиям медицинского заключения до назначения ( на должность)
to meet qualifying standards — отвечать требованиям / критериям, дающим право (на)
to provide a radical improvement in living standards — обеспечивать коренное улучшение жизненного уровня
to set a standard — устанавливать критерий / норму
- basic standardsto set a high standard (of smth) — показывать отличный пример (чего-л.)
- commercial standard
- cultural standards
- decline in living standards
- design standards
- double standard
- drop in living standards
- educational standard
- engineering standard
- environmental standards
- erosion of living standards
- ethnical standards
- fall of living standards
- falling living standards
- family living standards
- gold standard
- gold-exchange standard
- growth in living standards
- high living standards
- high production standard
- industrial standard
- international labor standards
- international standard
- Islamic standards
- labor efficiency standard
- labor performance standard
- labor safety standards
- living standards
- low living standards
- material standards
- moral standards
- national standard
- performance standard
- policy of double standards
- production standard
- productivity standard
- professional standard
- quality standard
- raising of educational standards
- rise in the standard of living
- safety standards
- scientific and technological standard
- social standards
- socially acceptable standards
- standard of behavior
- standard of conduct
- standard of life
- standard of living has fallen 15 per cent
- standard of living is lagging far behind of smth
- standard of living
- standard of well-being
- standards of accommodation
- standards of efficiency
- standards of labor
- standards of living declined steadily
- summery standards
- target standard
- trading standard
- universal moral standards
- up to world standards
- working standard -
10 standard
1) стандарт; норма, норматив || стандартный; типовой; нормализованный; серийно выпускаемый2) эталон; образец || эталонный; образцовый4) pl технические условия; технические требования5) колонна; стойка; опора•- alignment standard
- BCL standard
- collective standard
- display standards
- draft international standard
- drafting standards
- duplicate reserve standard
- duplicate standard
- EIA NC standards
- end standard of length
- end standard
- experience standards
- functional standard
- fundamental standard
- gear strength standard
- group standard
- housekeeping standard
- IGES standard
- industrial safety standards
- industrial standard
- international standards
- labor standards
- length standard
- master standard
- measurement standard
- messaging standards
- national standard
- occupational standards
- open industry standard
- open-systems integration standards
- open-systems network standard
- OSI standard
- part quality standards
- performance standards
- practical standard
- precision standards
- primary standard
- protocol standards
- quality standard
- reference standard
- safety standards
- secondary standard
- standard of unit
- standards of accuracy
- standards of rigidity
- tentative standard
- test standard
- testing standard
- time standards
- tooth form standard
- transfer standard
- traveling standard
- vertical standard
- voluntary standard
- working standardEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > standard
11 quality
nкачество, сорт
- acceptable quality
- adequate quality
- agreed quality
- asset quality
- average quality
- bad quality
- basis quality
- best quality
- bottom quality
- business qualities
- cheap quality
- choice quality
- consistent quality
- contract quality
- credit quality
- defective quality
- delivery quality
- desired quality
- economical quality
- equal quality
- equivalent quality
- established quality
- excellent quality
- export quality
- extra quality
- fair average quality
- fancy quality
- fancy-grade quality
- fine quality
- finest quality
- first quality
- first-class quality
- first-rate quality
- good quality
- guaranteed quality
- high quality
- incoming quality
- inferior quality
- inherent quality
- initial quality
- intermediate quality
- landed quality
- life quality
- low quality
- low-grade quality
- manager's qualities
- managerial qualities
- marketable quality
- material quality
- mean quality
- medium quality
- merchantable quality
- middling quality
- midspecification quality
- negotiable quality
- nonstandard quality
- off-grade quality
- optimal quality
- optimum quality
- ordinary quality
- ordinary marketable quality
- outgoing quality
- outturn quality
- overall quality
- perfect quality
- performance quality
- poor quality
- premium quality
- prime quality
- process quality
- product quality
- production quality
- programme quality
- proper quality
- required quality
- resultant quality
- running quality
- satisfactory quality
- second-class quality
- service quality
- shipped quality
- shipping quality
- soil quality
- specified quality
- standard quality
- stipulated quality
- substandard quality
- suitable quality
- superior quality
- technical quality
- tolerance quality
- top quality
- uniform quality
- unsatisfactory quality
- quality of cargo
- quality of design
- quality of exports
- quality of goods
- quality of an item
- quality of a lot
- quality of manufacture
- quality of material
- quality of operation
- quality of a product
- quality of production
- quality of service
- quality of work
- of equal quality
- of good quality
- of high quality
- of inferior quality
- of low quality
- of poor quality
- of sound quality
- of superior quality
- equal in quality
- inferior in quality
- quality as per sample
- quality landed
- approve quality
- ascertain quality
- assess quality
- be of superior quality
- be superior in quality
- certify quality
- check quality
- confirm quality
- conform to the quality
- control quality
- define quality
- demonstrate quality
- determine quality
- differ in quality
- evaluate quality
- examine quality
- guarantee high quality
- improve quality
- inspect quality
- lower quality
- maintain quality
- modify quality
- monitor quality
- specify quality
- test quality
- upgrade qualityEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > quality
12 performance
n1) выполнение, исполнение (работы, обязанностей, обязательств)2) работа, функционирование (о машине)3) рабочая характеристика; эксплуатационные качества4) производительность; эффективность (системы, оборудования)
- actual performance
- automatic performance
- average performance
- bank performance
- break-even performance
- budget performance
- collateral performance
- continued performance
- continuous performance
- corporate revenue performance
- current operating performance
- dependable performance
- design performance
- earnings performance
- economic performance
- error-free performance
- estimated performance
- extra performance
- fail-safe performance
- faithful performance
- fertility performance
- field performance
- forecasting performance
- guaranteed performance
- individual performance
- in-use performance
- investment performance
- labour performance
- machine performance
- managerial performance
- market performance
- maximum performance
- negative performance
- nominal performance
- normal performance
- operational performance
- operator performance
- optimal performance
- optimum performance
- overall performance
- partial performance
- peak performance
- poor performance
- poor earnings performance
- price performance
- product performance
- profit performance
- proper performance
- quality performance
- quarterly performance
- reliable performance
- residual performance
- revenue performance
- sales performance
- schedule performance
- share performance
- share price performance
- smooth performance
- specific performance
- standard performance
- strong economic performance
- substandard performance
- team performance
- test performance
- top performance
- transport performance
- trouble-free performance
- uninterrupted performance
- unsatisfactory performance
- unskilful performance of duties
- performance of an agreement
- performance of a contract
- performance of commitments
- performance of a company
- performance of duties
- performance of economic system
- performance of engagements
- performance of equipment
- performance of functions
- performance of a machine
- performance of obligations
- performance of services
- performance of technology
- performance of tests
- performance of the undertaking
- performance of work
- attain the guaranteed performance
- effect performance
- improve performance
- increase performance
- measure performance
- monitor company performance
- raise performanceEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > performance
13 standard
- standard
- n1. стандарт; норматив; технические условия
2. образец; эталон
3. стойка; столб; опора; поддержка
- standard of construction
- standard of control
- standards of organization
- standard of quality
- building standard
- construction safety and health standards
- design standards
- indoor air quality standards
- minimum property standards
- performance standards
- quality standards for water
- reinforcing steel placing standards
- safety standard for formwork
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
14 standard
стандарт; норма; эталон; образец; проба || стандартный; нормальный; обычный
* * *
1. стандарт || стандартный2. эталон; образцовая мера; образец; норма; норматив3. технические требования; технические условияto abide by the standard — соблюдать стандарт;
to discard as a standard — аннулировать в качестве стандарта;
to revise the standard — пересматривать стандарт;
* * *
стандарт; нормаль; норма, эталон, образец
* * *
стандарт, нормаль, норма; эталон, модель
* * *
1) стандарт || стандартный2) эталон; образцовая мера; образец; норма; норматив3) технические требования; технические условия•to abide by the standard — соблюдать стандарт;
- ABC standardto revise the standard — пересматривать стандарт;
- acceptable standard
- acceptance standard
- agreed standard
- American standard
- American-British-Canadian standard
- ANSI standard
- association standard
- ASTM standard
- base standard
- basic standard
- branch standard
- Briggs standard
- British standard
- certification standard
- commercial standard
- company standard
- complete standard
- construction standard
- coordinated standard
- design standard
- documentation standard
- domestic standard
- draft standard
- drilling rig size standard
- engineering standard
- engineering performance standard
- experimental standard
- federal standard
- foreign standard
- fundamental standard
- gas standard
- general standard
- generic standard
- graphical standard
- group standard
- harmonized standard
- high cetene standard
- inadequate standard
- industrial standard
- industrial safety standards
- industry standard
- in-plant standard
- interim standard
- internal standard
- international standard
- legal standard
- limiting standard
- local standard
- maintainability standard
- maintenance standards
- mandatory standard
- master standard
- metric standard
- multilevel standard
- national standard
- new British standard
- occupational standards
- operating standard
- pass-off standard
- performance standard
- permissive standard
- plant standard
- practical standard
- presumptive standard
- primary standard
- prime standard
- procedural standard
- procedure standard
- process standard
- product standard
- production standard
- prohibitory standard
- pump jack size standard
- recommended standard
- regional standard
- reliability standard
- reliability-and-quality standards
- restrictive standard
- revised standard
- safety standard
- serviceability standard
- special standard
- state standard
- statutory standard
- storage serviceability standard
- suggested standard
- technical repair standard
- temporary standard
- tentative standard
- test standard
- trade standard
- trading standard
- United States standard
- universal standard
- universal maintenance standard
- voluntary standard
- voluntary product standard
- working standard
- workmanship standard
- written standard* * *Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > standard
15 standard
1) стандарт; норматив2) образец; эталон; образцовая мера3) образцовое средство измерения4) мн. ч. технические условия; технические требования5) норма•above standard — выше стандартных требований;below standard — ниже стандартных требований;to establish a standard — создавать эталон;to keep [to maintain\] a standard — хранить и поддерживать эталон;to supersede a standard — заменять эталон-
acceptance standard
adjustable standard
air-emissions standards
alignment standard
angle standard
atomic standard
authorized economy standard
basic reference standard
branch standard
broadcasting standard
broadcast standard
check standard
class standard
clean-air standard
closed-circuit standard
collective standard
color standard
current standard
digital TV standard
draft standard
electrical standard
engineering standard
fastness standard
frequency standard
fundamental standard
Gardner standards
HDTV standard
IEC standard
individual standard
industrial safety standards
industrial standard
industry standard
in-house standard
international standard
laboratory reference standard
laboratory standard
legal standard
load-shedding standard
local standard
maintainability standard
mandatory standard
material standard
occupational standards
operating standards
part quality standards
pass-off standard
performance standard
plant standard
precision standards
primary standard
reference standard
safety standard
sanitary standard
secondary standard
serviceability standard
standard of behavior
standard of quality
standards of accuracy
standards of rigidity
state standard
subordinate standard
television transmission standard
television standard
tentative standard
time standard
traveling standard
ultimate measurement standard
ultimate standard
video coding standard
working standard
written standard -
16 performance
1) выполнение, исполнение (напр. договора)2) работа, функционирование; производительность; интенсивность3) характеристика (работы машины)4) степень эффективности функционирования (напр. фирмы), результат деятельности; показатель деятельности -
17 criterion of performance
1. критерий качества2. комплексный показатель качества продукцииEnglish-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > criterion of performance
18 part-load performance
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > part-load performance
19 cardiac performance
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > cardiac performance
20 long-term quality
См. также в других словарях:
Quality management — is a method for ensuring that all the activities necessary to design, develop and implement a product or service are effective and efficient with respect to the system and its performance. Quality management can be considered to have three main… … Wikipedia
performance — noun 1 sth performed ADJECTIVE ▪ live ▪ public ▪ evening, matinee ▪ amateur, professional ▪ … Collocations dictionary
Quality management system — (QMS) can be defined as a set of policies, processes and procedures required for planning and execution (production / development / service) in the core business area of an organization. QMS integrates the various internal processes within the… … Wikipedia
Quality assurance — Quality assurance, or QA for short, refers to planned and systematic production processes that provide confidence in a product s suitability for its intended purpose. It is a set of activities intended to ensure that products (goods and/or… … Wikipedia
Performance measurement — with a process is the complement to process execution. Based on measured performance, the feedback control loop may be closed. The metrics to assess performance is set according to a determined econometric model. The expected best result is… … Wikipedia
Performance audit — refers to an examination of a program, function, operation or the management systems and procedures of a governmental or non profit entity to assess whether the entity is achieving economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the employment of… … Wikipedia
performance benchmark — UK US noun [C] ► IT a computer program that measures the quality and speed of computer programs, internet services, etc.: »Nine separate performance benchmark tests were conducted. ► FINANCE the results of a particular investment used as a… … Financial and business terms
Quality of service — In the field of computer networking and other packet switched telecommunication networks, the traffic engineering term quality of service (QoS) refers to resource reservation control mechanisms rather than the achieved service quality. Quality of … Wikipedia
Standard conditions for temperature and pressure — Not to be confused with Standard state. In chemistry, standard condition for temperature and pressure (informally abbreviated as STP) are standard sets of conditions for experimental measurements, to allow comparisons to be made between different … Wikipedia
Quality control — This article is about the project management process. For other uses, see Quality control (disambiguation). Maintenance check of electronic equipment on a U.S. Navy aircraft … Wikipedia
Quality Intellectual Property Metric — What is QIP Metric? = QIP (Quality Intellectual Property) Metric is an international standard, developed by Virtual Socket Interface Alliance (VSIA) [http://www.vsi.org VSIA documents] for measuring IP or SIP (Silicon intellectual property)… … Wikipedia